The innovative and industrial cluster in the field of biotechnology and green economy in 2018 was registered at the platform of the European Union.
Main tasks of cluster creating
Multiprofile infrustructure
Between the members of the cluster profiles technological connections are established. At the same time within each profile a layer of a “green” economy is formed, represented by organic production in crop production, livestock production, production for a healthy lifestyle, and biotechnology for protecting animals, plants and the environment.
Modular structure of profiles and incubation of new cluster members
Each of the profiles is represented by identical modules, the number of which will increase as the commercialization of the project expands. The pilot profile module becomes a platform for demonstrating advantages over new potential participants.
“Intellectualization” of newly created bio-enterprises as a new type of production: “smart factories”.
3 stages of cluster profile development:
The idea of a smart plant implies the inclusion of interactive processes and IT diagnostics, selection of optimal recipes and monitoring the results of their application.
Business models for commercializing projects for cluster profiles
Business models are designed to create innovative high-tech enterprises of small and medium-sized businesses. During 2018-2022 it is planned to create 150 small and medium-sized enterprises, including: 9 smart plants, 8 laboratories, 37 farms, a Consulting center. The number of highly-qualified jobs to be created, primarily for the graduates of “Polessky State University” is 1500.
Use of own research results as a technological platform
Financing research and commercialization of projects by maximizing the funds of individuals and legal entities
Contact persons
Cluster Manager
Vladimir Shtepa
Address: 225710, Pinsk, Dneprovskoi flotilii, 23, Belarus, BY
Telephone: +375 44 465 73 14; +375 165 310887; +375 29 6921306
Internationalisation Responsible
Khmel Olga
Address: 225710, Pinsk, Pushkina 4, office 3305, Belarus, BY
Telephone/fax: +375 165 31 08 87
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