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Speech at the exhibition-conference "Berries-2019"

On April 24, 2019, representatives of the innovative and industrial cluster took part in the specialized exhibition-conference "Berries-2019", organized by the Berkley farm (Brest).
Employees of economics and biotechnology departments of Polessky state university told the conference participants about the results of the project “Formation of business environment for the production of organic berries in cross-border areas of Ukraine and Belarus” and the main areas of work within the innovative and industrial cluster in the field of biotechnology and green economy. They shared their experience in organizing the production of organic berries. Conference participants were provided with recommendations on the production of organic berries, data on producers in Belarus and Ukraine, on suppliers authorized in organic production of bio-fertilizers and plant protection products, the results of marketing research of world markets and many other useful information for practitioners.
During the conference, representatives of the cluster established new contacts with farmers of the Republic of Belarus who are engaged in or are planning to grow organic berries. This will be another step in the development of the innovative and industrial cluster.


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