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Constitutional dialogue between authorities, science, entrepreneurship and society

On 28-29 December, 2021, experts of Polessky State University and the subject of OOO Polesie Technopark innovation infrastructure took part in a round table on the following theme: Constitutional dialogue between the authorities, entrepreneurship and society guarantees successful development of entrepreneurial initiatives at the local, regional and national levels.

Participation of PolesSU and LLC "Technopark Polesye" in the Field Workshop under the Auspices of the UNDP Belarus

Developing partnership relations with UNDP Belarus, as part of the formation of the Chernobyl Investment Platform, Polessky State University and Technopark Polesie LLC took part in a field workshop “Investment Opportunities for the Development of Territories Exposed to Radioactive Contamination as a Result of the Chernobyl Disaster” in Kostiukovichi on March 25, 2021.

Participation of Polessky State University in the EU Cluster Management Programme

The training of the World Bank's Cluster Management Education Programme Task Force on Component 1.1 Competitiveness Initiatives, as part of the European Union-funded Private Sector Development Support Programme in the Republic of Belarus, has been completed.

Scientific and Technological Park “Technopark Polesie” LLC participated in the Republican Seminar

On March 12, Minsk hosted a republican seminar-meeting on the topic "Studying the Experience of the Republic of Korea in the Digital Transformation of the Industrial Sector of the Economy (Mechanical Engineering)". 

The development of organic production continues

As part of the development of an innovative industrial cluster of biotechnologies and the green economy, a working meeting of cluster members Lyudmila Sovik, Evgeny Savgen and senior lecturer of the Biotechnology Department Sergey Tynovets on improving biodiversity, green infrastructure, and ensuring the transition to a circular economy was held on July 16, 2020.


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