On May 30, 2019, a business forum was held in Polessky State University, which was attended by representatives of the innovative and industrial cluster, city and district executive committees, Pinsk enterprises, a high technology park, and the North-South transport and logistics cluster from the Republic of Poland. Thanks to his support, on March 13, 2018, the innovative and industrial cluster in the field of biotechnology and a green economy was created on the basis of the Polessky University and Polesye Technopark LLC.
Polish colleagues who participated in the forum and represented enterprises of the North-South transport and logistics cluster (Gdansk) also presented their developments.
After the plenary session of the forum, an agreement of intent was signed between PolesSU and the management company of the "Brestmyasomolprom holding". The agreement provides for the creation of a research and technology platform for the application of innovative technologies and the creation of organic industries in the agricultural sector.
Within the framework of the forum there was a thematic exhibition of products of farmers, IIC participants, and enterprises of the city of Pinsk and the Pinsk district. The exhibition presented the development of 25 enterprises and organizations.
Today "Concern Brestmyasomolprom" is one of the largest associations of the meat and dairy industry. OJSC “Pinsk Wine-Making Plant” was the first in Belarus to implement a unique innovative project for the production of products such as Calvados, fruit vodka, fruit brandy, which have practically no analogues in the country. Today, the media holding Varyag is a well-known and stable TV and radio company with more than 40 employees.
Thus, at the moment, 28 enterprises are already part of the innovative and industrial cluster.
As part of the agenda of the Council meeting, an action plan was adopted for the development of IIC in 2019-2020, which includes organizing the work of the pilot summer school of agribusiness, creating an analytical agrochemical reference laboratory, testing new biological plant protection products and developing mobile plants to protect fruit and berry plantations from spring frosts.
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