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Participation in "Belagro-2019"

On June 4, the international specialized exhibition Belagro-2019 opened in the agro-town of Shchomyslitsa (Minsk region) in the trade and logistics center Globus Park. It was attended by 550 companies from 29 countries: Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Israel, India, Italy and others. Representatives of the innovative and industrial cluster in the field of biotechnology and the green economy took part in the exhibition - Lyudmila Egorovna Sovik and Sergey Vasilyevich Tynovyts, employees of economic and biotechnological faculties of Polessky State University.

During the exhibition, representatives of the cluster took part in a conversation with Vladimir Andreevich Dvornik (Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus), Anatoly Nikolaevich Hotko (Minister of Agriculture and Food), Vladimir Vladimirovich Grakun (Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food), Tatyana Mikhailovna Karbanovich (Deputy Head of the Chief management) and representatives of other enterprises.

During the exhibition, representatives of the cluster exchanged contacts with some of its participants, which will serve as the basis for further productive cooperation.


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