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Trip of business representatives to Ukraine

In the framework of the development of organic production in RB 10. 07. 2019 a business delegation from Belarus and Germany (members of the cluster of the university) to Ukraine took a trip where innovative products were used in the production of organic products. Traditionally, the working atmosphere, sincere conversation, subtleties of fertigation regimes and its features. This was stated by director of the "Yagodka" SPK Oleg Naumenko and manager of the company "ProfPoliiv" Boyko Vadim. Thin geology, peculiarities of pumping equipment, plant nutrition regimes, online management of all fields through personal information stores of customers in the country Israel, every week information on the condition of each hectare, management decisions and best practices will lead to the greatest profitability! This will allow the Polessky State University to be the leader of organic technologies in the republic. The working meeting lasted more than 3 hours, after all, all interesting, innovative, worthy of imitation and introduction into production to all members of the cluster.

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