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On November 5, a regional seminar “Cluster Initiative Management - Positive and Negative Experience” was held

On November 5, a regional seminar "Cluster Initiative Management - Positive and Negative Experience" was held at Polessky State University. The seminar was organized by BSPN them. Kunyavsky, Council for the Development of Entrepreneurship, LLC Polesie Technopark (organization of cluster development) and Polessky State University.

At the seminar Dmitry Marianovich Krupsky, Head of the Department of Economics of Innovation Activities of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, spoke on the legal forms and principles of creating clusters in Belarus. Nikolai Nikolayevich Ruban - Deputy Chairman of the Cluster Council - shared his experience in developing a business in the field of berry crop production. In conclusion, an expert from Poland, Sebastian Rynkevich, president of the metalworking cluster in Poland, spoke. Sebastian shared with the seminar participants his experience in creating and developing a cluster in Poland.

Within the framework of the seminar, a meeting of the Council for Innovation and Industrial Cluster in the field of biotechnology and the green economy was held, at which further directions for the development of the cluster were adopted.


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