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Participation in the seminar "Cluster approach as a tool to stimulate the development of territories"

November 27 and 28, 2019 in Minsk, in the conference hall "Gallery" of the hotel "Belarus" at ul. Storozhevskaya 15 passed a training seminar “Cluster approach as a tool to stimulate the development of territories and increase the competitiveness of enterprises”.

The purpose of the seminar was to increase the potential of representatives of the pilot regions in the field of a cluster approach to the economic development of the region and increase the competitiveness of business entities, including the prerequisites, the benefits of clustering, organization and management of clusters.

The work was carried out as part of the achievement of Result 2 of the project “Development of capacity, support measures and improvement of the regulatory framework in order to facilitate the effective implementation of the SME RPR”.

At the seminar, Lyudmila Egorovna Sovik, professor of the business department of Polesie State University, spoke about the activities of the innovation-industrial cluster in the field of biotechnology and the green economy.

The following issues were discussed at the seminar:

  • How does the cluster influence the increase of the economic potential of the region and the development of SMEs?
  • Prerequisites for creation, types of territorial clusters, mechanisms of activity
  • Organization of a cluster initiative and an effective cluster management structure in the region
  • Overview of best practices for the creation and management of territorial clusters (international and national practice)
Materials on the results of the seminar are available here.



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