On March 12, Minsk hosted a republican seminar-meeting on the topic "Studying the Experience of the Republic of Korea in the Digital Transformation of the Industrial Sector of the Economy (Mechanical Engineering)". The event was a continuation of the project activities under the Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP) of the Republic of Korea with Belarus within the framework of the ongoing consulting project “Intellectual Support for the Organization of Digital Transformation of the Belarusian Industry”. First Deputy Minister of Economy Yuri Chebotar, addressed the participants of the seminar-meeting with a welcoming speech. Kwon Hyuk–fae, Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Belarus, took part in the seminar in person, and Andrei Popkov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to the Republic of Korea, took part in the online format. In total, the seminar was attended by more than 160 representatives of state bodies and organizations, the business community of Belarus, free economic zones, science and technology parks, scientific and educational sphere, including 60-in the mode of personal presence, including A. Kozyr, the director of the "Technopark Polesie" LLC.
For the University Technopark, the most interesting are the advanced digital methods of the Republic of Korea, which can be adapted for the accelerated digital transformation of enterprises in the Pripyat Polesie region and participants of the "Innovation and Industrial Cluster in the field of Biotechnology and Green Economy".
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