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Constitutional dialogue between authorities, science, entrepreneurship and society

On 28-29 December, 2021, experts of Polessky State University and the subject of OOO Polesie Technopark innovation infrastructure took part in a round table on the following theme: Constitutional dialogue between the authorities, entrepreneurship and society guarantees successful development of entrepreneurial initiatives at the local, regional and national levels. They also participated in the Republican Seminar named Technoparks: opportunities and tools for the development of innovative entrepreneurship.

The events were held under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, the Brest Oblast Executive Committee, the State Committee on Science and Technology, as well as the state institution (BelISA).

Entrepreneurship sustainable development was considered within the framework of the events.

 The received information is important for Polessky State University and OOO Polesie Technopark, for they are the basic scientific and educational structures for the implementation of the sustainable development plan for the Pripyat Polesie, including the one connected with the Innovative industrial cluster in the field of biotechnology and green economy (the only functioning in Brest District). It is a cluster structure that makes it possible to unite enterprises to achieve high performance in the country's economy and to consolidate the healthy forces of the society.


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