On July 19, 2018, the cluster participants took part in the second cross-border seminar on the preparation of the production of organic berries in cross-border areas according to the EU requirements in the field of certification. The seminar was held within the project “Formation of the business environment for the production of organic berries in the cross-border areas of Ukraine and Belarus”.
Andrei Ivanovich Makarevich, Chief State Inspector of the Internal Quarantine Department of the Brest Regional Inspectorate for Seed Production, Quarantine and Plant Protection, shared with the audience his practical observations on the export of berry products, describing the consequences of not following proper paperwork.
At the end of the cross-border seminar, Ludmila Yegorovna Sovik, the project manager from the Belarusian side, said a speech. The speech was dedicated to further areas of work within the project, mostly the organization of monitoring of organic and traditional farms.
In the framework of the seminar, on July 20, 2018, its participants visited the blueberry plantation «Synaya ptica». Yevgeny Nikolayevich Ruban was pleased to share his many years of experience in the production of berries with the participants of the trip. During the trip, the participants also visited the plant introduction laboratory of the Botanical Garden of the Republic of Belarus, its leader, Nikolai Boleslavovich Pavlovsky, held a master class on the selection of planting material for the organization of berry production.
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