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Memorandum of cooperation between clusters of Belarus, Poland, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Romania signed

On July 12, 2018, in Tbilisi, within the seminar “Towards EU - EaP cluster collaboration” with the participation of representatives of the European Union, a Memorandum of Interaction between the clusters of Belarus (Innovation and Industrial Cluster in the field of biotechnology and the green economy, created on the basis of Polessky State University) Poland (North-South Transport and Logistics Cluster, “Internet of Things” Research Cluster), Georgia (Tourism Cluster), Moldova (Energy and Biomass Cluster), Ukraine (Prikarpatsky Eco-Energy Cluster, Association of Thinking of automation Ukraine), Romania (Cluster of "green energy", Mechanical Engineering cluster) was signed.

This document will contribute to the development of multilateral relations with a view to effective cluster development.


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