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Seminar 4 “Organization of production and marketing of organic berries in cross-border regions of Ukraine and Belarus”

On November 22-23, 2018, in the regional consulting and educational center of Pinsk, the fourth transboundary seminar will be held as part of the project of the European Union's international technical assistance "Formation of the business environment for the production of organic berries in cross-border areas of Ukraine and Belarus”.

The topic of the seminar is “Organization of production and marketing of organic berries in cross-border regions of Ukraine and Belarus”. The event will take place in the conference hall of the sports complex (Pinsk, Irkutsk-Pinsk Division St., 46, room 40).

The program of the seminar includes presentations by project researchers on the current state of the market for organic berries in the Republic of Belarus, the use of innovative technologies in this field, etc., and colleagues from Poland are expected to take part in the seminar on their experience in the transition to organic production. At the seminar, it is also planned to hold a discussion between representatives of various farms and agricultural farms.


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