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Working trip to Poland

Representatives of the cluster visited the Podlask Regional Development Fund from November 12 to November 17, 2018, where they participated in a meeting on the topic “Support for the development of cluster initiatives and entrepreneurship” (Bialystok, Poland). During the working visit, there were meetings with representatives of the Eastern Construction Cluster, with Roman Kaczynski, the Rector of the Belostok Technical University, and with the President of the Institute for Innovations and Technologies of the University. The creation of clusters in the region, the formation of sources of their development resources, the forms of cluster associations, functions and tasks of the Podlaska Regional Development Fund, as well as the forms of participation in the cluster of the research unit (Belostok Technical University) was also discussed during the working meetings.

During a trip to Poland, representatives of the innovation and industrial cluster visited the Science and Technology Park (BPNT, Bialystok). During the visit, issues of creating a Scientific and Technological Park (BPNT, Bialystok), the role of external support for cluster initiatives, functions and tasks of the park, the organizational form of its creation and the results of activities were discussed. Meetings with the participants of the Metal Processing Cluster, with whom the forms of participation of local governments in clusters were discussed, as well as support issues for cluster initiatives within the framework of the regional operational program of the Podlaskie Voivodeship were also held.

As a result of the working visit, business contacts were established with the cluster experts, and directions for further cooperation with the Polesye innovation-industrial biotechnology cluster were outlined.


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