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Cluster cooperation is developing.

On March 15, 2019, a meeting of the initiative group - participants of the innovation and industrial cluster took place in the laboratory of introduction and technology of unconventional berry plants. Employees of the economic and biotechnological faculties of Polessky State University, head of the laboratory Nikolay Pavlovsky and head of the farm "Sinyaya Ptica" Nikolay Ruban discussed areas for further cooperation within the cluster.
One of the main issues discussed at the meeting was the preparation of a project for the development, testing and implementation of innovative technologies for the cultivation of organic berry crops adapted to the soil and climatic conditions and their commercialization. According to the project, for the first time in Belarus, it is proposed to develop, test and commercialize as franchises innovative technologies for the creation and cultivation of organic crops (blueberries, honeysuckle), adapted to soil and climatic conditions and certified according to EU and Belarus organic standards.

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