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Meeting with organic producers

In the framework of the development of organic technologies and the implementation of the work plan of the innovative and industrial cluster in the field of biotechnology and green economy, a working meeting was held with producers of organic raw materials necessary for the production of organic fertilizers based on sapropel.

Scientific developments for production

Employees of the Polesye Technopark (A. Kozyrem) and the Department of Industrial Fisheries and Processing of Fish Products (V. Yarmoshem) carried out work on testing a mechanical filter for the incubation workshop of Polesie Rybkhoz, which is branch of the department PRiPRP PolesSU.

Presentation of scientific and technological projects of Technopark Polesie LLC and PolesSU in the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

On February 13, 2020, in the building of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, a presentation of scientific and technological projects of participants in the innovation and industrial cluster, LLC Polesie Technopark and PolesSU, representatives of relevant ministries, concerns and enterprises of the country (as part of the order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus) was presented.

February 12-13, field seminars on the organization of irrigation systems were held

Cluster members on February 12-13, 2020 gathered for field seminars on irrigation and fertigation systems. Ukrainian experts conducted an audit of existing irrigation systems, answered questions from farmers and cluster participants, shared useful tips and improved existing systems and other interesting and relevant information in this area.

Participation in the seminar "Cluster approach as a tool to stimulate the development of territories"

November 27 and 28, 2019 in Minsk, in the conference hall "Gallery" of the hotel "Belarus" at ul. Storozhevskaya 15 passed a training seminar “Cluster approach as a tool to stimulate the development of territories and increase the competitiveness of enterprises”.


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