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Registration for the business forum on May 30, 2019

More than 20 enterprises have already confirmed their participation in the business forum. Detailed list of participants can be found below.

The list of registered on the business forum on May 30, 2019.

Speech at the exhibition-conference "Berries-2019"

On April 24, 2019, representatives of the innovative and industrial cluster took part in the specialized exhibition-conference "Berries-2019", organized by the Berkley farm (Brest).

30-31 May 2019 Business Forum

On the 30-31 May 2019 Business Forum with the participation of business entities from Poland, Russian Federation, Belarus, and Moldova will be held in Pinsk (Belarus) by Innovative and Industrial cluster in the field of Biotechnologies and “green economy”.

Meeting with the governor of the Brest region A.V. Lis

Employees of economics and biotechnology departments during a meeting with the governor of the Brest region A.V. Lis told him about the work within the innovation-industrial cluster in the field of biotechnology and green economy, the main directions of cooperation with farmers and representatives of agricultural enterprises, as well as immediate prospects for the cluster .

Cluster cooperation is developing.

On March 15, 2019, a meeting of the initiative group - participants of the innovation and industrial cluster took place in the laboratory of introduction and technology of unconventional berry plants. Employees of the economic and biotechnological faculties of Polessky State University, head of the laboratory Nikolay Pavlovsky and head of the farm "Sinyaya Ptica" Nikolay Ruban discussed areas for further cooperation within the cluster.


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