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Cross-border seminar 3 in Pinsk

As part of the project of international technical assistance number 83265657 "Formation of the business environment for the production of organic berries in the cross-border areas of Ukraine and Belarus" on August 28-29, 2018, the third cross-border seminar on the cultivation of organic berries will be held in Pinsk.

Memorandum of cooperation between clusters of Belarus, Poland, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Romania signed

On July 12, 2018, in Tbilisi, within the seminar “Towards EU - EaP cluster collaboration” with the participation of representatives of the European Union, a Memorandum of Interaction between the clusters of Belarus, Poland, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania was signed.

Participation in cross-border seminar № 2

On July 19, 2018, the cluster participants took part in the second cross-border seminar on the preparation of the production of organic berries in cross-border areas according to the EU requirements in the field of certification. The seminar was held within the project “Formation of the business environment for the production of organic berries in the cross-border areas of Ukraine and Belarus”.


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