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Working trip to Poland

Representatives of the cluster visited the Podlask Regional Development Fund from November 12 to November 17, 2018, where they participated in a meeting on the topic “Support for the development of cluster initiatives and entrepreneurship” (Bialystok, Poland).

Seminar "Organization of production and marketing of organic berries in transboundary regions of Ukraine and Belarus"

On November 22, 2018, the cluster participants attended the forth cross-border seminar at the regional consulting and educational center in Pinsk "Organizing the production and marketing of organic berries in the cross-border areas of Ukraine and Belarus."

Seminar 4 “Organization of production and marketing of organic berries in cross-border regions of Ukraine and Belarus”

On November 22-23, 2018, in the regional consulting and educational center of Pinsk, the fourth transboundary seminar will be held as part of the project of the European Union's international technical assistance "Formation of the business environment for the production of organic berries in cross-border areas of Ukraine and Belarus”.

Visit to the international agrarian forum "AGRORIVNE 2018"

On October 19, 2018, representatives of the innovation-industrial cluster attended the international agricultural forum “AGRORIVNE 2018”, held at the National University of Water Management and Environmental Engineering.

Participation in the seminar "Organization of production and marketing of organic berries in transboundary regions of Ukraine and Belarus"

On October 17-18, representatives of the innovation and industrial cluster took part in the seminar on the production and marketing of organic berries held at the National University of Water Management and Environmental Engineering (Rovno, Ukraine).


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